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SanDERA Publications


Click here for a bibliography of selected publications by SanDERA researchers and affiliates.

Publication Date




Evaluation of San Diego's Standards-Based
Grading Reform in Secondary Schools:
Year 2 Report, 2022-2023 School Year

Dina Polichar, Andrew C. Zau and Julian Betts


The Relation between School Climate and Student Outcomes -- SanDERA Discussion Paper

Dina Polichar, Julian Betts, Andrew C. Zau and Jianan Yang 


Changing the Odds: Student Achievement after Introduction of a Middle School Math Intervention -- SanDERA Discussion Paper

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, Karen Volz Bachofer and Dina Polichar 


Does Reclassifying English Learners Affect Their Postsecondary Outcomes? (Discussion Paper)

Julian Betts, Laura Hill, Karen  Bachofer, Joseph Hayes, Andrew Lee, Andrew C. Zau


English Learner Trajectories and Reclassification

 Julian Betts, Laura Hill, Karen  Bachofer, Joseph Hayes, Andrew Lee, Andrew C. Zau


“Magnet School Outcomes”, in Mark Berends, Ann Primus and Matthew G. Springer (Eds.), Handbook of Research on School Choice, 2nd Edition, Routledge.

Julian R. Betts and Chenzi Cao 


Academic Progress for English Learners: The Role of School Language Environment and Course Placement in Grades 6–12

Laura Hill, Julian Betts, Megan Hopkins, Magaly Lavadenz, Karen Bachofer, Joseph Hayes, Andrew Lee, Marco A. Murillo, Tara Vahdani, and Andrew C. Zau


A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement: A Discussion Paper

Julian R. Betts and Y. Emily Tang


Carefully Designed Multiple Choice Tests Can Help Teachers Quickly Determine What Students Don't Understand

Julian R. Betts, Youjin Hahn, and Andrew C. Zau


The "College Prep for All" Mandate – An Update on How San Diego's Class of 2016 Has Fared with New Graduation Requirements

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer


College Prep for All: Will San Diego Students Meet Challenging New Graduation Requirements?  Published by Public Policy Instutute of California (PPIC) in April 2016


Julian R. Betts, Sam M. Young, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer


College Prep for All: Part II – Will San Diego Students Meet Challenging New Graduation Requirements?


Julian R. Betts, Sam M. Young, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer


The "College Prep for All" Mandate – An Examination of New Graduation Requirements in the Context of San Diego: Part I


Julian R. Betts, Sam M. Young, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer


Pathways to Fluency: Examining the Link between Language Reclassification Policies and Student Success

Technical Appendix  ||  Short Summary

Laura E. Hill, Julian R. Betts, Belen Chavez, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer

An Evaluation of the Outcomes of Career and Technical Education in San Diego Unified School District: A Quantitative Study

Executive Summary

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, Dallas Dotter, and John McAdams 

An Evaluation of the Outcomes of Career and Technical Education in San Diego Unified School District: A Descriptive Case Study

Executive Summary

Karen Volz Bachofer, Julian R. Betts, and Andrew C. Zau

Breakfast at the Desk: The Impact of Universal Breakfast Programs on Academic Performance

Dallas D. Dotter

College Readiness as a Graduation Requirement: An Assessment of San Diego's Challenges

Technical Appendices || On Track Model Manual and Worksheets

Short Summary

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, and Karen Volz Bachofer
2012 The Impact of the Use of the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project in San Diego Unified School District: Teacher Interview Component   Karen Volz Bachofer, Andrew C. Zau, and Julian R. Betts
2012 The Impact of the Use of the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project in San Diego Unified School District: Teacher Survey Component Karen Volz Bachofer, Andrew C. Zau, and Julian R. Betts
2012 Passing the California High School Exit Exam: Have Recent Policies Improved Student Performance? Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, Yendrick Zieleniak, and Karen Volz Bachofer
2012 Better Research Needed on the Impact of Charter Schools Julian R. Betts and Richard C. Atkinson

A Meta-Analysis of the Literature on the Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement

Abstract || PDF File

Julian R. Betts and Y. Emily Tang


Does Diagnostic Math Testing Improve Student Learning?

Julian R. Betts, Youjin Hahn, and Andrew C. Zau


Does Student Sorting Invalidate Value-Added Models of Teacher Effectiveness? An Extended Analysis of the Rothstein Critique

PDF File

Cory Koedel and Julian R. Betts


Madness in the Method? A Critical Analysis of Popular Methods of Estimating the Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement in Paul T. Hill and Julian R. Betts (Eds.) “Taking Measure of Charter Schools: Better Assessments, Better Policymaking, Better Schools”

PDF of Pre-Publication Version

Julian R. Betts, Y. Emiy Tang, Andrew C. Zau


Value Added to What? How a Ceiling in the Testing Instrument Influences Value-Added Estimation

PDF File

Julian R. Betts and Cory Koedel


Lessons in Reading Reform: Finding What Works

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, and Cory Koedel


Reduced-Class Distinctions: Effort, Ability, and the Education Production Function


Philip Babcock and Julian R. Betts


The San Diego Blueprint for Student Success: A Retrospective Overview and Commentary

PDF of Pre-Publication Version

Julian R. Betts


The Integrating and Segregating Effects of School Choice

PDF of Pre-Publication Version

Cory Koedel, Julian R. Betts, Lorien A. Rice, and Andrew C. Zau


Predicting Success, Preventing Failure: An Investigation of the California High School Exit Exam

Andrew C. Zau and Julian R. Betts



Value-Added and Experimental Studies of the Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement: A Literature Review


Julian R. Betts and Y. Emily Tang


California: Does the Golden State Deserve a Gold Star? in Frederick M. Hess and Chester E. Finn (Eds.) “No Remedy Left Behind: Lessons from a Half-Decade of NCLB”


Julian R. Betts


Does School Choice Work? Effects on Student Integration and Achievement

Julian R. Betts, Lorien A. Rice, Andrew C. Zau, Y. Emily Tang, and Cory R. Koedel


From Blueprint to Reality: San Diego’s Education Reforms

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, and Kevin King


The Evolution of School Choice in Frederick M. Hess (Ed.) “Urban School Reform: Lessons from San Diego”


Andrew C. Zau and Julian R. Betts


The Promise and Challenge of Accountability in Public Schooling in Frederick M. Hess (Ed.) “Urban School Reform: Lessons from San Diego”

Julian R. Betts


San Diego: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? in Frederick M. Hess and Chester Finn (Eds.) “Leaving No Child Behind? Options for Kids in Failing Schools”


Julian R. Betts and Andrew C. Zau


Determinants of Student Achievement: New Evidence from San Diego

Julian R. Betts, Andrew C. Zau, and Lorien A. Rice